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The SAR Veterans Recognition Committee provides recognition to SAR veterans by awarding the SAR Certificates of Patriotism. It ensures that the work of the committee not only has a legacy dimension, but is also visionary and administratively sound so that the incumbent SAR President General can expand the Veterans Corps to include service to country during periods of peace, war, and/or armed conflict.

The SAR Veterans Recognition Committee can also now recognize the military service of now deceased SAR members. The candidate must be either a deceased SAR member or a deceased serviceman who became an SAR member though the Memorial Application process. As with NSSAR Memorial Membership, the deceased member must be no more than one generation from the current generation.

Please use this form to apply to the Veteran Corps:

The Veterans Multi-Corps Recognition Form

Please note: the web browser “Microsoft Edge” will NOT work with SAR fillable, savable, and emailable PDF forms. It is suggested that you use “Google Chrome” as your web browser. You will also need to use the latest version of the FREE Adobe Reader.

A Committee History

Key Documents

Descriptions of the Eight Veterans Corps

SAR Veterans Bugle
