
We are excited to introduce you to the Chapter Tool Kit. This is a collection of resource’s designed to help you build a stronger chapter. This resource is intended to be flexible! Items may be added and/or modified to fit your needs. Other items may at times be modified or removed as necessary to meet needs. You will be kept informed as those changes occur. Please note that these resources can be modified and used at the District or State level. These are your tools to use as you need them.

One item that we are excited about is the notecards/postcards These can be used to hand to the public as a recruiting tool or to simply help make the public aware of the SAR presence in your community. We have also included a newsletter template for those chapters who do not have a newsletter. Finally, you will find handouts for new members. These are quick and easy reads that can enhance a new member’s awareness of the SAR, about such items as the Logo, our Brand and general organization information.

To further help you in using the tool kit, Power Point presentations are included that will help educate your members when you use them at your meetings.

Below you will see the outline of the Chapter Tool Kit. We have also included the up to date information on the progress of the projects we continue to work on as we move forward with our work on the Tool Kit.

Internal Communications to Members

Additional links:

External/Public Communication

Social Media Hints and Helps
