Based on the assumption that state-level SAR societies are in a better position to know how to access the educational establishments within their respective communities, the Education Committee is responsible for providing a forum for state-level societies to discuss their respective education programs and how to deal with boards of education or state offices that regulate education. Each state-level society is invited to maintain a statement on file at the national SAR Headquarters about its education outreach program(s) for elementary school through high school.
Reporting formats for tracking and reporting National SAR Education Outreach Programs
Youth Protection Training (YPT) Compliance and the PG’s Education Outreach Streamer. One is for chapter Education Outreach Team Leader to use to track their internal status, one for the state Education Outreach Coordinator’s to track their chapters and one is for National to track those chapters that have been reported by their states as earning the streamers. The fourth form is the one National is using for YPT Compliance Tracking. The intent was this program be managed at the lowest levels and associated with the establishment of Education Outreach Teams in the chapters. Chapters manage their compliance with the program and report to state, states manage their chapters reports, consolidates and report that x of y chapters have complied to the Education Committee at National. The Education Committee tracks state compliance and reports to the PG via Leadership Meeting Reports the societies that have complied.”
SAR Education Committee Mission
The Education Committee mission is to define and support the educational goals and programs of the SAR on local, state, and national levels.
SAR Education Committee Vision
The Education Committee Vision is to use Education Outreach to perpetuate knowledge of our founding documents and stories of patriotism, courage, sacrifice, tragedy, and triumph of the patriots who achieved the independence of the American people in the belief that these stories are universal ones of man’s eternal struggle against tyranny, relevant to all time, and will inspire and strengthen each succeeding generation as it too is called upon to defend our freedoms on the battlefield and in our public institutions.
State Education Chair
State Education Chair Directory
State Education Chair Job Description and Registration
How to Connect with Educators and Youth Organizations
Click here to find HOMESCHOOL COOPs in each state from
Click here to find your local 4-H Club
Click here to find your local History Day Chapter
Youth Program Promotional Flyers
The following links are MS Word document versions of each of the Youth Program Flyers that can be customized to your state society or your individual chapters. These are intended to be used to promote the youth programs to educators, parents, and youth organizations. We recommend that you download the flyers for the programs that your state or chapter is offering. You can customize these documents with the contact information for your state or chapter education chair. You can then post these flyers on your state or chapter website so that educators, parents, or youth organizations can download each flyer to distribute to their students, children, or members.
Middle School Brochure Contest
Rumbaugh Historical Oration Contest
Lawrence History Teacher of the Year Award
Elementary School Poster Contest
ROTC/JROTC and Other Cadet Recognition Program
Deadlines for State Submissions to National for SAR Youth and Teacher Award Programs
Dr. Tom & Betty Lawrence American History Teacher Award: February 10
Elementary School Poster Contest: June 1
Arthur M. & Berdena King Eagle Scout Contest: February 15
George S. & Stella M. Knight Essay Contest: February 15
Joseph S. Rumbaugh Historical Oration Contest: May 15
National ROTC/JROTC Recognition Program: April 30
Sgt. Moses Adams Memorial Middle School Brochure Contest: June 1
Youth Video Contest: February 15