The SAR Youth Video Contest is an exciting new format where you can share what you know about the American Revolution. Tell us about a person, battle, document, or event during the American struggle for independence and do it in video form. The key is to BE CREATIVE! Your project could be filmed or animated. It could look like a cable news broadcast or a pretend movie trailer. Perhaps you will create a music video or even a rap battle. Show the judges you can think outside of the box.

Entries must contain ORIGINAL content and must be based on scholarly research of the presented topic. Content may not violate copyright laws. The subject of the entry should focus on an event, personality, document, or topic pertaining to the American Revolution. Emphasis on the 250th anniversary of the Revolution is recommended. The style, approach, and perspective are not limited.

  • Annual Contest
  • Eligible contestants: 6th – 12th grade students
  • Video length: 3 – 5 minutes
  • Individual or group projects accepted
  • At least three research references are required
  • National contest deadline: 15 February

See the link below for complete contest rules.

Contest Awards

  • First Place: $1500*
  • Second Place: $500
  • * The First Place winner at the National level will receive a stipend of up to $1500.00 to reimburse travel to the NSSAR National Congress to participate in the Youth Awards Luncheon.
  • Cash awards greater than $600 may be received as a scholarship with the completion of appropriate tax documents.

The contest will be administered at the Chapter, State, and National level. Contestants begin the process by submitting an application to their local Chapter coordinator. Each first-place winner will advance to the next level. Awards at the Chapter and State level are at the discretion of the Chapter and State Society, respectively. At-Large entries may be accepted in the absence of local programs.

Video Contest Rules

Release Form

Video Contest Application Form

National Chairman: Keith A Weissinger, MD

Donate to the Youth Video Contest

